PHARMECO aims to trigger
a green revolution in the manufacture of medicines
The health sector has a significant impact on the environment; in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, it is responsible for between 3 and 8% of CO2 emissions. It also uses large quantities of water, energy, solvents and fossil-based raw materials, and generates a lot of waste.
PHARMECO will accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices across the pharmaceutical sector, driving measurable improvements in environmental performance and contributing to global climate goals.

PHARMECO will address the production of small molecules, tides, and biologics, medical devices & technologies, with a key focus on:
- Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) platforms for early-stage pharmaceutical development
- Green processes for industrial-scale manufacturing and decontamination
- Advanced digital tools for sustainability assessment and decision-making
PHARMECO plans to harmonise the way sustainability assessments of pharmaceuticals are carried out, by delivering guidelines that are scientifically-robust, practical, and accepted by all stakeholders.
Together, the project outputs will form a comprehensive toolkit to support the development and manufacture of more sustainable pharmaceuticals and to evaluate their environmental impact along the whole life cycle.
PHARMECO anticipated long-term impacts

PHARMECO’s structure

Key figures
A public-private partnership
31 international organisations
Coordinated by Ghent University
(Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Pharmaceutical Enginering and Manufacturing)